There are some places in the ./gtk sources that causes a
crash while sniffing on a AirPcap adapter. I don't know why;
maybe most code assumes the captured frames contain network
layer packets. Since my Airpcap (\\.\airpcap00 on Win-XP) only gives
me IEEE 802.11 radio frames, I can only speculate.
I.e. here is one situation in gtk/stats_tree_stat.c:
void gtk_stats_tree_cb(GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data _U_)
cfg = stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr(abbr);
tap_param_dlg_cb(action, cfg->pr->stat_dlg);
Pressing the menu "Statistics | Sametime | Messages" while sniffing on
AirPcap ... kaboom! Since "cfg != NULL", but "cgf->pr == NULL". What's the
story here?
A simple patch:
--- SVN-Latest\gtk\stats_tree_stat.c Mon Oct 31 11:17:42 2011
+++ gtk\stats_tree_stat.c Mon Jan 02 16:11:12 2012
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
abbr = g_strdup_printf("%s",action_name);
cfg = stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr(abbr);
- if(cfg){
+ if(cfg && cfg->pr){
tap_param_dlg_cb(action, cfg->pr->stat_dlg);
simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK,
But it would be nicer if that menu would be greyed out. But I have no
idea on how to do it myself.
There are also this situation (which I can get back to): when getting
an unexpected "Information Element ID", the function
capture_if_details_802_11_bssid_list() tries to hex-dump a buffer and
reading beyond the buffer returned by wpcap_packet_request(). Kaboom again.