On 2011-12-16 01:48, Guy Harris wrote:
On Dec 12, 2011, at 4:43 AM, Jaap Keuter wrote:
Use a real minus sign, don't just copy/paste from a manual.
I'm not sure which manual that is, but the page at
currently has, in section 2.2.7, a real minus sign:
nmake -f Makefile.nmake verify_tools
which, if I run "pbpaste | od -bc", shows:
0000000 040 156 155 141 153 145 040 055 146 040 115 141 153 145 146 151
n m a k e - f M a k e f i
0000020 154 145 056 156 155 141 153 145 040 166 145 162 151 146 171 137
l e . n m a k e v e r i f y _
0000040 164 157 157 154 163
t o o l s
which shows a real hyphen there. The same is true of
If Yuyin was copying and pasting from one of those documents, I hope neither whatever browser was showing that page nor cmd.exe was "helpfully" translating the minus sign to some other character.
So we can conclude these sources are in order. That's good, otherwise we would have seen more reports, I expect.
But then he never told us how he got the command (from what source), and how it was entered (in what terminal).
Other dealings with dash, en-dash, em-dash, hyphens, etc. has shown this to be a likely cause, so it sounds like a plausible reason for his problem.