Hello Vijay,
> Im trying to do a live capture of 802.15.4 tinyos traffic using
> wireshark/tshark. I use another application which captures the traffic and
> writes to a file.
Sounds interesting.
> I used a pipe to display the traffic on tshark. It did display the traffic
> but stopped after displaying the capture file. Now, I will write new
> captures as it comes,
> So is there an option to tell tshark/wireshark to listen on the pipe
> continuously and display the capture as it gets written to the pipe?
I wrote a serial packet conversion utility that uses pipes and saves
to a pcap file concurrently. Wireshark listens continuously. It was
written in C and is ported to Linux and Windows:
In my first try, I was saving 65535 packets at a time to the file, and
that would cause the pipe to Wireshark to stop since I rewrote the
header to the pipe. But I changed it to only rewrite the header to
the file and not rewrite the header to the pipe, and that allowed the
packets to go to the pipe and Wireshark continuously.
Good luck!