I am looking for a consultant that can help us develop some Wireshark plugins that can read our port and time stamping data from our network products.
If you know or anyone or yourself interested please feel free to contact me directly.
Jason Saham
Corporate Recruiting & Human Resources
VSS Monitoring, Inc.
1850 Gateway Drive, 5th Floor
San Mateo, CA 94404
+ 1.650.645.6747 direct
+ 1.650.697.8770 main
+ 1.650.697.8779 fax
jason.vss | SkypeID
jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Silicon Valley, USA | Tokyo, Japan | Beijing, China
VSS Monitoring’s Distributed Traffic Capture Systems™ fundamentally improve price-performance
and network analyzer efficiency, as well as increase network visibility and reduce response times.
Only VSS Monitoring offers a single vendor total traffic capture solution, encompassing small
deployments requiring basic network taps, through large, complex deployments with multiple
monitoring solutions that become highly leveraged through its unique distributed systems.
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