On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 13:18:53 +0100, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx>
Ok, some more information
How do you write the dissector, in epan/dissectors or as a plugin?
Which version of wireshark are you using? Just trunk, or a specific
release version (e.g. trunk-1.6)?
But my guess would be, that you either you built your dissector as a
plugin, or the versions of wireshark differ between the first and
second machine.
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Marcel Haas <inf462@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 12:11:31 +0100, Marcel Haas <inf462@xxxxxxxxxxx>
If i want to start wireshark i am geting a failur :
ERROR:packet.c:1531:heur_dissector_add: assertion failed:
(sub_dissectors != NULL)
Somebody know how to fix it ?
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Sorry, here r more informations.
I dad been writing my own dissector and built it in to wireshark on
a Linux
All worked well. Wireshark runs and so my dissector.
Now i want to copy the file folder to another linux system.
On the other system i run first configure than make .. all worked
well ..
Now i want to start wireshark -> ./wireshark
i get these failur ..
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Version is 1.6.1
and yep my dissector is a plugin.
on the systems run the same version ..i just made a copie of the whole
file folder