On Oct 27, 2011, at 7:50 PM, vijay wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if wireshark support live capture of bluetooth traffic.
On Linux, yes.
> Wireshark wiki says libpcap supports live capture of bluetooth packets , Wireshark can read pcap files containing bluetooth traffic.
> But wireshark cannot capture bluetooth traffic. I donot understand why it is so?
It's so because nobody'd bothered to update the CaptureSetup/Bluetooth page on the Wireshark wiki to indicate that Bluetooth capturing is now supported if Wireshark is using a sufficiently-recent version of libpcap and running on a system with a kernel with the Affix Bluetooth stack (which I think is the basis of the official Bluetooth stack that's now a standard part of the kernel). :-)
> wont the above 2 features be sufficient for live capture?
Yes, so I updated the page.