On 9/27/2011 4:27 PM, Guy Harris wrote:
On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:42 PM, David Aggeler wrote:
Maybe I am I the only one, but today it was once too many, where I had to 'convert different .sh files (e.g. win32-setup.h) to use UNIX style end of line instead of Windows.
Paging Bill Meier:
Gerald suggests setting LF as the line ending; Bill suggests hacks that involve setting "-o igncr".
I'm puzzled:
Invoking win32-setup.sh via the use of makefile.nmake should just work
(and, AFAIK, has done so since Jan 2010).
(The shell command used to invoke bash to run win32-setup.sh in the
makefile automatically starts bash with "-oigncr").
However, this doesn't happen if you try to run win32-setup.sh directly
from a bash command line.
Are you invoking win32-setup.sh other than by using the makefile.nmake
with nmake ?
You indicate that you had to change other .sh files. Which ?
How are you invoking them ?