On Sep 13, 2011, at 4:05 PM, Yee Man Bergstrom wrote:
> From http://wiki.wireshark.org/WishList
> For TShark, provide a way to control the output format. E.g., 'tshark -e "ip udp tcp.port"' would expand the IP and UDP sections, and display the TCP port information.
> This is already done in trunk as of revision 38990 unless I am missing something.
> You can perform the above scenario with
> Ø tshark –T fields –e ip –e udp –e tcp.port
Well, not exactly. The wish list request was for "-T text" (which is the default), not "-T fields". Expanding the IP and UDP sections can be done in that format with -O, but partially expanding the TCP section to show only the port can't be done that way.