-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:28:59 +0200
> Von: "news.gmane.com" <AndreasSander1@xxxxxxx>
> I don't want to build 1.6.x at all. I want to upgrade all my dissectors
> for propriary protocols to Wireshark 1.6. Since there are no PDB files
> for 1.6.0 (found only for 1.7 at
> http://www.wireshark.org/download/automated/win32/)
> and no import library files I need compile Wireshark with all that
> CygWin, Python, ... installation.
Andreas (or Andy),
Why do you try to compile at all when you only need the import library?
It's generated with a one-liner:
link /dll /out:libwireshark.dll /def:libwireshark.def /implib:libwireshark.lib >nul
The command generates a lot of error messages and doesn't generate a valid DLL. That's why you want the ">nul".
And as Gerald wrote, the PDBs are on the server. So there is no reason to compile Wireshark at all, if you goal is compiling a plug-in DLL like a dissector. You don't even need to install Cygwin, ...
the ZIP file with the PDBs are ~13 Megabyte in size. Would it be possible to add the import libraries to the archive in one of the next versions? The libwireshark.lib has only 266kByte while the PDB has 10MByte.
The PDB files must have a matching timestamp to be used from Visual Studio. The import library can be generated later as I've shown. But it would be a bit convenient, to have it along with the PDB files.
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