Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Question to a proprietary capture engine

From: "Lange, Jan-Erik" <Jan-Erik.Lange@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 10:49:49 +0200
I analyze data that I sniff with a FPGA. To get the data from the FPGA to the computer I use USB transmission with the cypress fx2.
In the past I transferred the data via libusb to my computer and saved the raw data to disk and converted it with a tool to the pcap-file format.
Now I want to change this process. Is it possible to use the software, which is used to communicate with my cypress fx2, as a "costumized pcap-driver". Can I match the function calls of this software in the fassion of using this software to capture this data with wireshark?
In the chapter 8. "Packet capturing" of the wireshak developer guide the procedure is decribed how to add a new capture type to wireshark. There the communication with a serial device is realized with the device file if I'm not mistaken and this is not helping me.
Can you tell me where I can get further information about realizing how to capture packets with a proprietary driver or software without the use of the capture engines libpcap or winpcap?
Best regards