Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Bad package created from 1.7.0

From: Davide Milanesio <d.milanesio@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 14:18:40 +0200
> From: Helge Kruse <Helge.Kruse-nospam@xxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 09:29:47 +0200
> Am 19.07.2011 14:23, schrieb Davide Milanesio:
>   Hi all,
>   I am trying to make a Wireshark Installer from the latest development
>    release (1.7.0), according to Section 2.2.13 of Wireshark Developer's
>    Guide.
>   Compiling and testing on Win XP.
>    Unfortunately, after the source is correctly compiled and also the
>    installer is generated,
>    if such installer is launched, after the installation process the new
>    .exe files are not working
>    (the message -translated from Italian- is: "Application not correctly
>   initialised (0x0c150002)")
>    Instead, following the same procedure from release 1.5.0 was successful.
>    Any hint? ;-)
> Looks at least at a typo with the code:
> 0x0c150002 = Sev_Success + Fac_0x0C15 + Code_0x0002
> 0xc0150002 = Sev_Error + Fac_0x0015 + Code_0x0002
> 0x0002 =  2 = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
> The last recent problem I faced with this code was that the runtime was not available in the > correct version. Did you test the installer on the development machine?
> You can check, which versions of the runtime libraries are in the WinSxS directories and  which version your executables (wireshark.exe, any load-time-DLL) requires. I have seen that a Windows update installed new versions of the runtime in Visual Studio as a bugfix.
> I am uncertain where the installer grabs the runtime libraries that must be installed on the target machine. Probably this must be fixed.
> Helge

Thanks, got it!!

The issue is in zlib1.dll.

In fact, on the development machine there are two different zlib1.dll,
both of them with version but with different size:
- zlib1.dll under C:\wireshark\wireshark-gtk2 (same in
C:\wireshark-win32-libs\zlib125): 67,584 byte [btw, it is the same
zlib1.dll belonging to the Stable Release 1.6.1)
- zlib1.dll under C:\wireshark-win32-libs\gtk2\bin: 100,352 byte

The installer uses the first one (67,584 byte), but it is wrong.
Manually copying the second one (100,352 byte) on the target PC, it
works properly!

I agree that this should be fixed.
-- Davide