On Jul 1, 2011, at 3:01 PM, darkjames@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=37861
> User: darkjames
> Date: 2011/07/01 03:01 PM
> Log:
> Try to get more information about AV.
So what information do various versions of Windows cough up when a program crashes?
The output of OS X's CrashReporter:
is actually pretty useful, especially if symbols are available for the executable. (Yes, I've debugged crashes given only CrashReporter output.) I think Linux, at least, offers a way for a process to grab crashes and pop up a similar report (rather than dumping core) and that at least some desktop environments in some distributions do so; I don't know whether any other UN*Xes offer that.