Hi Jeff,
the second doubt I've implemented following your instructions and I think that it's working! Thx! =)
about the firts one, how can I count how many packets came to my dissector?
I tried to increment a global variable, but if the user scroll down the dissected packets the value of this variable keep increasing. =/
Artur Gontijo
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Jeff Morriss
<jeff.morriss.ws@gmail.com> wrote:
Artur Gontijo wrote:
Hi guys,
I have 2 doubt:
1 - How can I know the number of packets that was opened?
I'm not aware of a way to do that (unless you only want to count how many packets came to your dissector).
2 - How can I know when user opens another file? (I want to free some memory before the user opened a new file)
Register an initialization routing with register_init_routine(). This is not called when the file is closed but rather when a (new) file is opened which is often what you want.
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