On Jun 3, 2011, at 1:05 PM, Jakub Zawadzki wrote:
>>> Date: Sun Mar 3 21:42:54 2002 +0000
>>> From Heikki Vatiainen: make "get_host_ipaddr()" require dotted-quad IP
>>> addresses to really be quads, i.e. have four numbers.
> [1] http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc?revision=4854&view=revision
To quote his ethereal-dev message:
> Here is a fix to catch incomplete dotted-quad IP addresses that
> may lead into more surprises than necessary.
> In run into a problem when trying to use CIDR notation with shorthand
> 130.230/16. Ethereal did not complain, but did not show any matches
> either. After some debugging I found out that since inet_aton() was
> involved, the address became 0x820000e6. This behavior seems to be a
> leftover from the classful days when using an address like "18.5" was
> treated as net.host and turned automagically into
> Here is a patch for epan/resolv.c:get_host_ipaddr() which catches
> incomplete dotted IP addresses.