Sake Blok <sake@...> writes:
> > (without thinking it through very much...) I would say to change it and
> > mention the change in the release notes.
> And of course in the Usage, manpage, user manual etc
> (and yes... I think it's a joy to make the occasional superfluous remark ;-))
I made the changes from RTT to SRT in revision 36297 and updated the applicable
man pages. The only mention of the -z option in the user guide says the
following, so I didn't bother to update it for RTT -> SRT changes:
-z <statistics-string>
Get Wireshark to collect various types of statistics and display the result
in a window that updates in semi-real time. XXX - add more details here!
I added a mention about this to the Roadmap page: under "Completed Tasks". I assume
the release notes file gets updated by Gerald when the next release is made?
@Sake, as for the remarks being superfluous, they're not. Thanks for the
reminder. Let me know if I missed some other documentation somewhere. Thanks.