Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Bug 5653 - Display "Day of Year" for January 1 as 1, not 0

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 22:21:19 +0100
On 02/07/2011 07:46 PM, Guy Harris wrote:

On Feb 7, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Stephen Fisher wrote:

On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 07:52:30AM -0500, Matthew Parris wrote:

Within the abs_time_to_str function, 1900 is added to the tm_year
parameter, but 1 is not added to the tm_yday.  I'm used to seeing
the day of the year equal to 1 on January 1st.  Does anyone use 0
for January 1?

I agree that changing it to "1" for Jan 1 makes sense from a human
reading the screen perspective.

The "day of year" format code was introduced to support a couple of CCSDS:


protocols.  The code it replaced displayed the day-of-year as 0-origin; however, this document:


speaks of day-of-year as being 1-origin, at least for the ASCII time code formats.

Unless the NASA guys who contributed the packet-ccsds.c and packet-vcdu.c dissectors would like to argue that, in their dissection, a 0-origin day-of-year works better, in which case we should support both 0-origin and 1-origin display formats, I would suggest switching to a 1-origin display format and see whether we get a complaint from any space data people (in which case we should add a separate 0-origin format).

I say: Let's ask them!
