On Jan 26, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Guy Harris wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:34 AM, Dietfrid Mali wrote:
>> The problem is that Wireshark is launched by a script settings paths and doing whatnot and finally starting Wireshark from some (hidden?!) subfolder.
> That's libtool at work. If the GNU project GDB and the GNU project libtool can't work together, that's something for the GNU project to fix; if DDD can't handle libtool-based projects, that's something for DDD to fix.
And if it can't handle libtool-based projects, that would be *really* pathetic:
"DDD Makefiles use libtool for generic shared library support."
To run a debugger on an executable built using libtool, you definitely *do* need to run it with "./libtool --mode=execute {debugger} {args}", but if
./libtool --mode=execute ddd wireshark
doesn't allow DDD to find Wireshark's source files, but
./libtool --mode=execute gdb wireshark
*does* allow GDB to find Wireshark's source files, that's a DDD bug.
(I couldn't even get Wireshark or TShark to *start* on Ubuntu 9.10 when I tried running under GDB - it failed to find the symbol wsp_vals_pdu_type_ext symbol when I ran "./libtool --mode=execute gdb {wireshark,tshark}", but it *did* find it when I just ran "./wireshark" or "./tshark" - so I wasn't able to test it with GDB or DDD; libtool strikes again....)