Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] G.722 and G.726 decoders for Wireshark

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 17:28:41 +0100

Well, Wireshark should pick up on SDP negotiations for your RTP stream,
and set the correct payload type interpretation. I would have to look at
the specific capture file to see what's happening.

The fact that "The G.726 decoder function returns twice the number of
bytes fed to it as output buffer size" is indeed to cause of your problems.
You have decoded from 4 bit (ADPCM) samples to 8 bit (companded PCM)
samples, while the player expects 16 bit (linear PCM) samples.
So your output size should be four times your input size.


On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 09:23:58 +0100, Dietfrid Mali wrote:

Yeah, I wasn't expressing this quite right. What I basically wanted to
say is that Wireshark
doesn't assign a payload type using the SDP but just forwards the
payload type
given in the RTP packets (102, which Wireshark wraps into a define that
basically says
"undefined packet type").

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:09:50 +0100
From: jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx
To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] G.722 and G.726 decoders for Wireshark

On 01/25/2011 05:48 PM, Dietfrid Mali wrote:
> The problem with e.g. G.726 is that Wireshark gives those packets
> type 102 which afaik is an error code ("unknown encoding").

No, that's your RTP endpoint configured to label these as such. RFC
3550 says:
"A profile MAY specify a default static mapping of payload type codes
to payload
formats. Additional payload type codes MAY be defined dynamically
non-RTP means (see Section 3)."
RFC 1890/RFC 3551 defines the "RTP Profile for Audio and Video
Conferences with
Minimal Control", which lists several static payload types. The old
RFC lists
G.721 (aka G.726-32), while the new one dropped that one and added
references to
G.726 at various bit rate, with a dynamic payload type.
RFC 3550 says in Section 3: "Non-RTP means: Protocols and mechanisms
that may be
needed in addition to RTP to provide a usable service. In particular,
..., and
define dynamic mappings between RTP payload type values and the
payload formats
they represent for formats that do not have a predefined payload type
with reference to Session Description Protocol (SDP)

So, payload type 102 is a dynamic payload type which has to be given
(through SDP for instance) within the session. In your case Wireshark
pick that up from the trace, hence cannot give you the proper
interpretation of
that payload type within that session.

> I would need to know where and how Wireshark maps dynamic payload
> (negotiated via SDP) to internal static ones. Above that RFC3551
notes that
> static G.726 payload types are obsolete, and afaik there aren't even > (obsolete) static payload types for all G.726 variants, so Wireshark
> would need to
> take care of that by using some (more or less arbitrary) internal
> type numbers.

Yep, that is done by the SDP dissector. It tries to interpret the SDP
(should be the answer, but that a whole other story) and create
(see doc/README.developer, section 2.2) for the RTP dissector, feeding
dynamic payload type information it has learned from the media

The RTP dissector does then the heavy lifting on the RTP packets,
based on the
information feed in by the SDP dissector.

> I will do my best to provide a patch once I have fully integrated
> codecs (currently only G.726-32 has been implemented as proof of
> concept, but since
> this is working adding more is no big deal).

Just one to get started is fine. Does it integrate into codecs/
besides G711a and G711u (and G729 and G723, if you have them)?

> Getting G.726 to work was a bit of a pain btw because of the weird
> sync calculation in rtp_player.c::play_channels() as this function
seems to
> assume 1:1 relationships of decoder input and output stream sizes
> thus simply halves the decoder output batch sizes to determine
> frames
> are properly sync'd. This doesn't work for compressed audio. To
> compensate, my decodeG726_32() function doubles the number of bytes
> (as it has a 1:2 relationship of input and output buffer sizes).
> it did that, lots of silence frames were inserted and half of the
> data was
> dropped by the player.

The G.726 decoder function returns twice the number of bytes fed to it
output buffer size. Just returning that number leads to incorrect audio
playback. I had to double that number once more to make it work. This
has something
to do with how rtp_player() determines whether it has received enough
for the given time frame and that it inserts silence frames when it
thinks it hasn't.
There is no (inline) documentation of what rtp_player() expects. Maybe
this is
described in some Wireshark programming or API documentation?

I'm no sure if I understand you correctly. Working with these decode
there is an input buffer with its length as input, and two output
being the output buffer and it a pointer to store its size. This size
of the
output buffer has to be set, by the decoder, to the number of samples
in output
buffer. That should be enough, see for instance
the handling of G.279 and G.723.
Be aware that you have to store 16 bit linear samples in the output
maybe that's your factor 2?


> Dietfrid
> > From: jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx
> > Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:54:25 +0100
> > To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] G.722 and G.726 decoders for
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > That would be interesting. Can you put the code in a patch on
> >
> > Can't work on it right now, but would be nice to have.
> >
> > btw: their are already static RTP types assigned for both codecs.
> dynamic types should come in through protocols like SDP, or a
> preference.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jaap
> >
> > Send from my iPhone
> >
> > On 25 jan. 2011, at 16:07, Dietfrid Mali wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > using spandsp, I have added G.722 and G.726 decoders to
> > >
> > > Currently this is a bit of a hack job, particularly regarding
> inclusion of the spandsp lib, and I could need a bit help to
> integrate it into Wireshark's automake hell (configure.in).
> > >
> > > There also isn't a proper Wireshark signature for that RTP type
> am simply reacting to RTP type 102, which actually is an error
code), so
> some help getting this straight and introducing proper codec types
> be appreciated, too.
> > >