-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Guy Harris
Sent: den 3 januari 2011 11:08
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 35253: /trunk/ /trunk/doc/: README.developer /trunk/epan/: tvbuff.c tvbuff.h
On Jan 3, 2011, at 12:50 AM, news.gmane.com wrote:
>> "Stephen Fisher" <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:20101223181634.GA30749@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
>>> I've introduced a new function called
>>> tvb_get_ephemeral_unicode_string()
>>> for converting UTF-16 strings in a tvbuff to UTF-8 for display in
>>> Wireshark. This new function even works with tshark (at least on
>>> Unix) if using a UTF-8 compatiable terminal emulator:
>> Does this replaces tvb_get_ephemeral_faked_unicode?
>> The function name suggests, that the return value must be released.
>Within the context of Wireshark, no, it doesn't; it suggests, due to the "ephemeral" in the name, that it's automatically
>released when dissection is started on a new packet, although, given that most routines that return ephemerally-allocated
>memory have just "ep_" at the beginning the name, it should perhaps be named "ep_tvb_get_unicode_string()" or something
>such as that to make it clearer. (Yes, tvb_get_ephemeral_faked_unicode() had "ephemeral", not "ep", in its name, but that >was arguably an error as well. "ep_" should come before "tvb_", as other ephemeral-allocation routines have names that
>begin with "ep_", including "ep_tvb_memdup()".)
I think I'd prefer the routines defined in tvbuff.c to be prefixed with "tvb_" and having "ep" added some where else
So "ep_tvb_memdup() should perhaps become "tvb_ep_memdup()" or "tvb_memdup_ep()".
>> Is there
>> also a function returning a string that will be garbage collected?
>No - Wireshark doesn't do garbage collection (unless one or more of the extension languages does, and then it does it only >for items allocated in the environment for the extension languages in question, courtesy of the language's garbage
>collector). It just does "ephemeral" and "session" allocation, where all items allocated with a particular lifetime are
>automatically released in bulk.
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