On 12/17/2010 3:30 PM, wmeier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
User: wmeier
Date: 2010/12/17 12:30 PM
Integrate README.developer into the WSDG: Step 1: Styleguide;
Also: add list of README.developer contributors to the WSDG preface.
> ...
I've begun the process of integrating README.developer into the WSDG
with the intent of doing away with README.developer (and also maybe
eventually integrating and removing the other doc/README's).
I decided to list the README.developer contributors under the preface
as below. If anyone feels I should handle this differently,please let
me know.
"4. About this document
This book was developed by Ulf Lamping.
It is written in DocBook/XML.
Portions of this book were originally contained in the file
doc/README.developer whose contributors were listed as:
James Coe <jammer[AT]cin.net>
Gilbert Ramirez <gram[AT]alumni.rice.edu>
Jeff Foster <jfoste[AT]woodward.com>
Olivier Abad <oabad[AT]cybercable.fr>
Laurent Deniel <laurent.deniel[AT]free.fr>
Gerald Combs <gerald[AT]wireshark.org>
Guy Harris <guy[AT]alum.mit.edu>
Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping[AT]web.de>