This is resolved from the services file. That port number is registered with
IANA as:
iad1 1030/udp BBN IAD
If you're curious, this is the BBN (Bolt, Beranek and Newman) Interface Access
Device, which operates as a bridge/router between IP, X.25, asynch links, etc.
Nothing to worry about, Wirehshark does a best effort attempt to map port
numbers to services (as was intended), but this becomes more and more error
prone the higher the port numbers are.
On 11/13/2010 02:21 PM, Rajesh Alluri wrote:
Hello All,
I developed a protocol on UDP layer with port number 1030.
when I am dissecting the protocol with sample packet, in the UDP layer I
am seeing source port : iad1 (1030), destination port : iad1 (1030)
I am not sure why this iad1 is showing there, it should show either 1030
or protocol name.
Is it an issue with the preferences in my wireshark?
Best regards,