You can get a head start by watching the SharkFest presentations.
For the rest you could contact CACE, or should I say Riverbed. 
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:24:00 -0400, "Irizarry, Gabriel D." <Gabriel.Irizarry@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good morning. I am interested in finding out what are the offerings for Wireshark software development training. Items could cover an introduction of the source/review to more advanced enhancements like adding new dissectors. Please let me know if you would like to discuss further or feel free to send me a reference to your Wireshark software development offerings.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Gabriel D. Irizarry
Distinguished Engineer
(571) 252-9840 (office)
(240) 456-5665 (fax)
(877) 313-3646 (pager)
National Business Park
2721 Technology Drive
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
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