On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 01:35:17PM +0200, Lange Jan-Erik wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to analyze an usb datastream with wireshark. To record the data I use a proprietary development that uses libusb to receive the data.
> Ok, to analyze the data I want to use wireshark. Is there a way to save the recorded data as a *.pcap File? Is there a library I could use to write the data into a file? Can you an recommend overview about this file format?
> When I have this pcap file I would create a dissector plugin to dissect the data according to my protocoll.
You are looking for libpcap (or WinPcap on Windows). Works like a charm,
and has lots of language bindings (I've used it with Ruby).
> Best regards
> Jan