Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Export to CSV

From: Bill Meier <wmeier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 13:13:15 -0400
Jaap Keuter wrote:

Send from my iPhone

On 1 sep. 2010, at 18:06, Bill Meier <wmeier@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Stig Bjørlykke wrote:
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Gary Chaulklin <garychaulklin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Could Wireshark be changed to provide the header fields when the user is
asking for a CSV file regardless of whether the user is asking for ALL or
just DISPLAYED packets?
Sure.  Write a bug report at https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/ so
we don't forget about it.

The actual issue is that the header fields are output only if
the output includes the first packet (#1) of the capture (however the packet range is selected and independent of filters, etc).

This bug occurs only on on platforms other than Windows.

Because... ? (don't have the code at hand right now)

I was mistaken: The problem does occur on Windows.

A similar (but not quite the same) issue exists for exporting psml files.

The "PSML structure" is written at the beginning of the file only for the first file written. Any following psml exported files will not have the structure.

(There's a "static gboolean structure_written = FALSE;" in proto_tree_write_psml() ...).

I'll fix both of these problems.
