Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] PCAP to PDML Conversion

From: Rajeev Tomar <rajeev.tomar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 20:09:30 +0530
Hi All
As of now I am just an end user of the Wireshark.
I am working on automating the log capturing the GSM Abis Message and then converting/ storing GSM Abis in XML format.
For more clarity
1. Start Wireshark
2. Convert PCAP to PDML
3. PDML to Automation XML format.
4. Stop Capturing
The PDML converted from PCAP
  • The conversion takes time in Step 2 and 3.
  • The converted pdml becomes very large in size
  • Much Information is redundant for me as field information stored as name/show name, value/unmasked value/display value.
  • Many Protocols are not needed to us.
To by knowledge the PCAP to PDML converter is built in feature of Wireshark, and as such independent of any dissector implemented.
It will be good if the modules which convert PCAP to PDML, can be modified so redundant field can be bypassed.
Please help me in identifying the module and guidance to do so.
Also is there any utility/api that traverse the protocol tree, so we can directly use that?
Rajeev Tomar
"Good, better, best; never let it rest till good is better and  better is best "

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