On Jul 13, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Weston Schmidt wrote:
> This is one of the two specs. The other spec is SP-ETV-BIF1.0-IO4-070921 which defines the trigger, and trigger handler.
It looks as if a given trigger ID is interpreted relative to an application, so there'd be:
a table, with an organization ID as the key, in which you can look up organization-specific information, including a table for application IDs for that organization;
per-organization tables, with an application ID for that organization as the key, in which you can look up application-specific information for that organization, including a table for trigger IDs for that application;
per-organization-and-application tables, with a trigger ID as a key, in which you can look up trigger-specific information for that organization, including the dissector for the table - if the *only* thing to look up is a dissector, that table would just be a dissector table.