Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 33175: /trunk/tools/ /trunk/tools/:

From: Graeme Lunt <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 15:16:54 +0100

At the moment, all of the PDUs from the conformance file are exported as syntaxes. Initially, I didn't think there was a reason to have a separate section in the conformance file - but it does result in a lot of syntaxes, many of which will never be used. I'll look and see if I can add and parse a separate section in the conformance file.

Also, I will drop the -R flag, and just use a 
   #include packet-<proto>-syn-reg.c  
mechanism in the template file. This is cleaner approach than dumping the syntax registrations into the dis-tab.c based on a command line argument.


2010/6/24 Stig Bjørlykke <stig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:27 AM,  <gal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Log:
>  New option (-R) to asn2wrs to register the PDUs defined in the conformance file as BER syntaxes  (register_ber_syntax_dissector()).

Is it possible to register some of the PDUs from a conformance file?
Like ORName (and some others) from X.411.

I tried adding -R in x411, but got all PDUs exported, which is not
what I really want...

Stig Bjørlykke
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