Depends on the kind of package you want to create.
Following targets exist:
On 06/09/2010 10:45 PM, Brian Oleksa wrote:
Gerald / All
I got it to work. This is what I was missing.
File "..\..\plugins\xxx\xxx.dll"
to the list of "File" statements in the "Dissector Plugins"
section in packaging/nsis/wireshark.nsi.
Can an installer be made for Linux as well...??
Gerald Combs wrote:
Brian Oleksa wrote:
I have created a wireshark dissector and it works great. When I am out
in the field I like to use this dissector. But first I have to install
wireshark on each laptop then drop my .dll in the plugins directory.
I am just trying to cut out a step and create the installer with my
dissector in place but I cannot get it to work. I can successfully
create the installer... but my dissector is not included in it.
I have followed the instructions on this site (section 2.2.13).
My checked out wireshark code is in: c:\wireshark\trunk and my
plugin is in the plugins directory with all the other plugins:
When I run the following
C:\wireshark\trunk>nmake -f Makefile.nmake packaging
I get NO errors and it does indeed create the installer in the following
directory C:\wireshark\trunk\packaging\nsis
But it does NOT include my dissector when I install it.
I have edited the Makefile.nmake in the nsis directory to include my
plugins .dll file (but that didn't work)
I have also edited the Makefile.nmake in the plugins directory to
include my plugins .dll file (but that didn't work either).
Does anybody know WHY this is not working..??
Have you added your plugin to packaging/nsis/custom_plugins.txt?