Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] a problem on running autogen.sh with wireshark-1.2.8

From: Martin Visser <martinvisser99@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 14:12:49 +1000

I'm not a Solaris user, but I suspect that you have a Sun/BSD version of m4 rather than the GNU version of m4. Note sure of whether there is prepackaged version on this already for your OS, but you could probably compile it from source obtained from http://gnu.org. (That said you might find that you need a few other GNU tools later on if you have this problem).

Regards, Martin


2010/6/4 张凯 <kyle120654@xxxxxxxxx>
      I have encountered a problem while I tried to install wireshark-1.2.8 on my pc with Solaris10 OS. I download the source code and run CMD './configure &&gmake &&gmake install' and wireshakr-1.2.8 is successfully installed. But when I tried running 'autogen.sh', I have a problem as below:
bash-3.00# cd wireshark-1.2.8
bash-3.00# ./autogen.sh
Checking for python.
./autogen.sh: glibtool: 没找到
aclocal -I ./aclocal-fallback
/usr/local/bin/m4: unrecognized option `--gnu'
Try `/usr/local/bin/m4 --help' for more information.
autom4te: /usr/local/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1
I don't know how the option '--gnu' was passed to /usr/bin/local/bin/m4. Besides, I ran 'acloacl', 'autoscan','autoconf' and 'automake', the problem was the same as above. Could you give some suggestion? Looking forward for your reply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sincerly kyle
Zhang Kai
Email: kyle120654@xxxxxxxxx
Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecomm.
Beijing 100876, China

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