On Apr 29, 2010, at 7:38 AM, morriss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=32597
> User: morriss
> Date: 2010/04/29 07:38 AM
> Log:
> Use strchr() instead of index()--Windows doesn't appear to have the latter.
Some older System V's also might not have the latter, although, these days, most UN*Xes have both.
(V7 had index() and rindex(), and BSD came from that stream; System III, and possibly the earlier USG/USDL UNIXes, renamed them to strchr() and strrchr(). As indicated, most UN*Xes these days offer both, to support building software written for both flavors.
The ANSI C standard went with strchr() and strrchr(), so that's what should be used in any case.)