On 27/04/2010 16:39, Maynard, Chris wrote:
I don’t compile with VS2005, obviously many folks still
do. If you ever do have the time, it would probably be beneficial to
others if
you would post your patches, either here on –dev or through bugzilla.
The problem I
have is that while my changes do work for me in producing a working
Wireshark, I haven't currently got the time to correctly fix all the
issues with detecting the compiler version, instead of the SDK. I
suppose I should at least raise an issue on Bugzilla in case someone
else can tackle it. I'll try to do the Bugzilla
thing before the end of the week.
I'm almost at the point of getting a new machine at work, and although
I'll still have to use VS2005 for my day job, I'll probably put VS2008
Express in a VM (or use a linux VM) for compiling Wireshark in which
case the problem will be fixed for me.
Graham Bloice