Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] about DissectorTable

From: hacken Tao <taokeqin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:41:55 +0800
Hi ALL,I want use lua to write a dissector for wireshark.I meet  a problem,hope some one can help?

I can redissect dns protocol as fellowing:

1, create a new Proto,and use 
2, tab = DissectorTable:get("udp.port")  to get the udp.port table,then use
3, tab:add(53,mydissector) to add my dissector 

it works!
BUT if i want to redissect the ARP protocol, when i use DissectorTable:get(name),I do not know which name is correct??  if i am in a wrong way,how??
are there some functions or docs that can show all the Dissectors and DissectorTable??
