Le mardi 16 juin 2009 ᅵ 15:34 +0200, cyril leguienne a ᅵcrit :
> function netx_proto.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree)
> pinfo.cols.protocol = "NetX"
> packetnum = pinfo.number
> local subtree_packet = tree:add(netx_proto,buffer(),"NetX Protocol
> ("..buffer:len()..")")
> local msgbufferarray = buffer(1,buffer:len()-2):bytes()--Here I get
> a byte array containing the data section from the frame
> local temparray=ByteArray.new()--allocation for a buffering byte array
> local offset=0
> for i=0,msgbufferarray:len()-2 do -- I go through the array
> if (msgbufferarray:get_index(i+1)==0x5C
> or msgbufferarray:get_index(i+1)==0x10
> or msgbufferarray:get_index(i+1)==0x13)
> and msgbufferarray:get_index(i)==0x5C then--here I m looking
> for escape sequences
> temparray.append(msgbufferarray:subset(offset,i+1))--if
> found I get a subset for the array that I append to the buffering array
> offset=offset+i+1
> end
> end
> msgbuffer = Tvb.new_real(temparray)--Here I try to create a new tvb
> without escape sequence from the temporary bytearray
Is this stuff working with SVN HEAD?
I'm trying something like:
local msgbufferarray = buffer(ofs, plen):bytes()
local temparray=ByteArray.new()
But get the following error:
Lua Error: [string "/tmp/eris.lua"]:307: bad argument #2 to
'append' (userdata expected, got no value)