Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Packet Size limited during capture message

From: Brian Oleksa <oleksab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:15:50 -0400

Ok...so I found out that it crashes on frame 17641.

It only took a couple of minuets to find it. But now what do I do with this info..??


Bill Meier wrote:
Brian Oleksa wrote:

Can you collaborate on this a little more..??

Do I want to pass in my .pcap file as the <infile> to which I am having problems with..??

And I am assuming that you want me to pass in the "ballpark" number (or a range) to where I think the crash occurs.

I can load about 70% of the file...which is right around frame # 16813.....

For example: C:\wireshark\editcap test.pcap -r 16813-20000 is this what you do..??


Yes:  Of course you also need to specify an <outfile>

editcap -r in.pcap out.pcap 16800-20000
tshark -nVxr out.pcap >foo.txt (crash)
editcap -r in.pcap out.pcap 18000-20000
tshark -nVxr out.pcap >foo.txt (no crash:
   ... so: bad frame(s) must be between 16800-17999
editcap -r in.pcap out.pcap 16800-17000

The process is a bit tedious and not necessarily worth the effort.
Also: sometimes multiple frames are needed.

Just using a debugger on the original file and seeing where the crash occurs may be all that is needed.

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