Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] emem.c:732: failed assertion

From: varname <varname@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 18:24:42 +0100

The following code:


http_media_f = Field.new("media")
tap = Listener.new(nil, "http && (http.response.code == 200)")
function tap.packet(pinfo, tvb, userdata)
  local http_media = http_media_f()
  local media_val = http_media.value     -- <-- assertion

results in a failed assertion whenever http_media.len is rather large (I'm guessing larger than 5MB from the text of the assertion). The assertion itself:


Unhandled exception ("emem.c:732: failed assertion "size<((10 * 1024 * 1024)>>2)"", group=1, code=4)

The source (emem.c:731) states that the limit set is 'arbitrary'; anything that can be done other than changing the limit in the source and recompiling it?