Le mercredi 03 fᅵvrier 2010 ᅵ 09:45 +0100, Stig Bjᅵrlykke a ᅵcrit :
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > NDS's "Reassembled length" field is in generated code; the generator is tools/ncp2222.py. I've updated that.
> We have some other dissectors with just "Reassembled length", the plan
> was to match this with the name of the data source.
> > Should the field names be "{proto}.reassembled.length", or "{proto}.reassembled_length"? Do we expect to have other fields with information associated with the reassembly?
A 'Reassembled by' field would be helpful when a PDU isn't fully
It's an issue when a heuristic dissector wrongly grab a conversation,
often it finds a big PDU length and there's no easy way to know which
dissector is the culprit.