Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] RTP-MIDI and AppleMIDI dissectors

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 22:40:47 +0100

The way to do this is to file an enhancement bug, so it won't get lost.

Two questions up front:
Did you fuzztest the code?
Can you work both as build in dissectors? That is really the prefered way.


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On 31 jan 2010, at 14:19, "Tobias Erichsen" <t.erichsen@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi everyone,

after my initial efforts in 2006, I have since then reworked my
Previous code and have been able to compile it with the source of
Wireshark 1.2.6 both for x86 and x64.

Dissector-plugin to decode MIDI-data which is transmitted via RTP
based on RFC-4695.  The dissector currently supports the standard-
MIDI-stuff, but enhancements for more "esoteric" MIDI-sub-standards
still could to be implemented...

Dissector-plugin to decode the lightweight Apple-network-MIDI
session establishment protocol (which is used to establish an
RTP-session to send & receive MIDI-data via RFC-4695).  This
protocol is proprietary.  The dissector is based on the Apple
implementation summary from May 2005.

You will find attached two zip-files containing the source-code
and one zip-file containing a sample-capture with both the
Apple-session-protocol and RF-4695-data.  This capture was done
between a MacBook and a MIDI Kiss-Box

I would be glad if some of you guys could take a look at the code
and give me some feedback if this is already in good shape to
be integrated into the official Wireshark-release.

I would be willing to rework the AppleMIDI plugin to work as a
builtin dissector, as this part is fully done.

The RTP-MIDI-dissector should stay a plugin for a while since
I plan to implement more enhancements over the next couple of
months (decoding of some more specialized MIDI-commands for
stuff like lighting-control etc.)

Best regards,

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