In case you haven't noticed Fedora 12 already has Wireshark 1.2 RPMS
available in its repositories: it shipped with Wireshark 1.2.2 and has
Wireshark 1.2.5 RPMS available in its updates repositories (and this
latest version was finally built with Lua support).
Looking at the wireshark specfile available in its SRPM you can se
the complete set of operations that were done to build it in Fedora
systems, and in particular which *-devel RPMS you should have
installed in your system.
The rawhide wireshark specfile can be browsed here:
ane the F-12 one here:
Also if you need to build Wireshark 1.2.5, 1.2.6pre, 1.3.3svn
for RHEL/CentOS 5.4 I have SRPMs available here:
On 2010-01-05 20:20 , Matthew wrote:
> A brief guide, in case someone needs it:
> Hope this helps someone!
> Matthew
> Matthew.Reiser (skype)
> 8500 Pershing Drive, unit 306
> Playa del Rey, California, 90293
> (424)644-6288 <callto:4246446288>
Jos� Pedro Oliveira
* mailto:jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx *