Hi All,
I am creating a wireshark installer (version 1.0.10) for windows(XP). I used the command copied from the official site:
nmake -f Makefile.nmake packaging build Wireshark installer
But I am getting the error during last step:
Output: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\wireshark-1.0.10\packaging\nsis\wireshark-setup-1.0.10.exe"
Install: 9 pages (576 bytes), 21 sections (2 required) (22008 bytes), 1855 instructions (51940 bytes), 940 strings (43322 by
tes), 1 language table (350 bytes).
Uninstall: 6 pages (384 bytes),
6 sections (1 required) (6288 bytes), 518 instructions (14504 bytes), 308 strings (6120 bytes), 1 language table (318 bytes)
Datablock optimizer saved 57763 bytes (~0.0%).
Using lzma (compress whole) compression.
EXE header size: 84992 / 34816 bytes
Install code: (118572 bytes)
Install data: (79373511 bytes)
Uninstall code+data: (130237 bytes)
Compressed data: 19494428 / 79622320 bytes
CRC (0xBCEEF000): 4 / 4 bytes
Total size: 19579424 / 79657140 bytes (24.5%)
cd ..
cd ..
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'build'
Has any one else also faced the same issue. Please help me on this. Thanks to the members of the group for helping with my earlier problems.