Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] SMPP wireshark support

Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 17:50:58 +0000 (GMT)

I'm interested to find out about SMPP handling within wireshark.
expecially the reception of SMPP operations over TCP.
Can someone point me towards the handling code?

Basically I have an application and I want it to bind and submit
SMPP messages 
The messages I want to send and test include
o single submit operations
o submits with SAR
o submits with large payload
o submits with udh

I would like to write a test application for receive and process the 
SMPP operations.
I'm thinking that wireshark smpp must be able to handle these type of 
operations and the re-assembly of SMMP payload within TCP transport.
Does it handle the re-assembly of the TCP payload whereby multiple tcp 
socket reads may be required
to get the appropriate stream of bytes required.

Could someone point me towards the architecture of wireshark and the 
handling code.

All feedback appreciated.

Thank you.

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