Hi All,
I am new to wireshark development and having some doubt regarding my new dissector development:
In my
“proto_register_bsapb64()” I have done the
proto_bsapb64 = proto_register_protocol("ANSI BSMAP B64 Coding",
"BSMAP BASE64", "bsapb64");
new_register_dissector("bsapb64", dissect_bsapb64, proto_bsapb64);
And In “proto_reg_handoff_bsapb64()” function I want to do :
dissector_handle_t bsapb64_handle;
dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/FemtoInterfaceMsg", bsapb64_handle);
So my doubt is to get the bsapb64_handle whether I should be doing “new_create_dissector_handle(dissect_bsapb64,
proto_bsapb64)” or “find_dissector(“bsapb64”)”
I am really confused over there uses.
Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks.