I have a dissector I wrote about two years ago that compiled and ran
under Wireshark 0.99.8-SVN-23896. I'm now adding some updates and
trying to get it running under 1.3.2
I've attached the way I was doing it before. At the time,
new_register_dissector() wasn't working, so I used the method below.
I've looked through all the initializers in the plugins directory, and
every one of them does it somewhat differently. Using what I have
below compiles, but segfaults. Unfortunately, I can't turn on JIT
debugging, because MSVC2008EE doesn't have it. I've got a request in
to the IT department for MSVC2008, but I'm expecting the heat death of
the universe before I see them deliver anything.
Would someone mind cluing (apparently that's spelled right, even
though 'clueing' looks more right) me in as to the best-practices way
of initializing and registering a protocol? Any maybe the "why" as to
why any given method is better than another?
void proto_register_r3 (void)
if (proto_r3 == -1)
proto_r3 = proto_register_protocol ("R3", "R3", "r3");
/*new_*/register_dissector ("r3", dissect_r3, proto_r3);
proto_register_field_array (proto_r3, hf, array_length (hf));
proto_register_subtree_array (ett, array_length (ett));
void proto_reg_handoff_r3 (void)
static gint initialized = FALSE;
if (!initialized)
dissector_handle_t r3_handle = find_dissector ("r3");
/* dissector_handle_t r3_handle = new_create_dissector_handle
(dissect_r3, proto_r3); */
dissector_add ("tcp.port", 2571, r3_handle);
dissector_add ("tcp.port", 8023, r3_handle);
initialized = TRUE;