To my
knowledge it should work. You could try nmake -f makefile.nmake distclean then
delete register.c in epan/dissectors and rebuild.
We are
starting to use the main trunk as the base for a special "internal" version of
Wireshark built for the Windows platform (XP SP3) that contains dissectors of
proprietary protocols. We do not build the dissectors as plugins but
include the dissectors in the main build.
We had no problem doing this in
the past when we based the builds on Wireshark using 1.1.3 (and earlier
versions) as a base. We simply put the dissector source code (.c and if
needed .h) in c:\wireshark\epan\dissectors directory and added the .c and .h
name to the proper section in file Makefile.common in the same directory.
The files would be compiled and linked into Wireshark and the dissectors were
active when we ran the special built Wireshark.
When doing the exact same
thing using the most current sources from the main trunk (1.3.2.svn 30793) and
adding our dissector code to c:\wireshark\epan\dissectors directory and the .c
and .h name to the proper section in file Makefile.common in the same directory,
our dissectors are compiled but don't seemed to be getting linked into the build
as the special dissectors are not working and are not listed in Help/Supported
Protocols list on the special build of Wiresahrk.
Has something changed
recently in what we have to do when adding proprietary dissectors into the main
build (instead as a plug in)? Is there a new step required?