I have developed many dissectors, but have not run up against
this problem before. I am looking for a solution that will work inside a plugin
The issue is that I have some secure traffic that I cannot
decode until I learn some state that is only periodically advertised. This
means that during the first pass through the packets that I will fail to decode
many packets, but that by the end of the first pass I will have (likely)
learned enough to decode the previous packets.
I believe (and will shortly test) that any secondary decodes
(as clicking on the undecoded packet) will magically cause the column info to
update and the packet to display decoded (assuming that my learned state is
associated with my conversation, which it is).
My question is whether it is possible to indicate to
Wireshark that certain packets (or, worst case, all packets) should be
rechecked. If it is only the “all packets” case I would likely not
do anything (as I deal with large capture files). If selected packets could be
redone then that might be interesting, as I know which packets are “mine”
and if I learn later that I can decode them then I would know the frame numbers
to re-parse.
Thoughts? Thanks.



Panasonic Electric Works Laboratory of America - SLC Lab
4525 So. Wasatch Blvd., Suite 100, 84124
Salt Lake City, UT 84124

T 801.993.7124
F 801.993.7260
Bryant Eastham
Chief Architect

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