Guy Harris wrote:
> You would need to allocate a new tvbuff, and a blob big enough to hold
> all the decrypted data, and decrypt the data into the blob and attach
> that blob to the tvbuff, and hand *that* tvbuff to the next
> dissector. You cannot modify the data in a tvbuff handed to you.
> I don't know the details of how to do that in a Lua dissector.
I use the following Lua code for this (SyncML example):
local xmltvb ="application/vnd.syncml+wbxml")
local subtree = tree:add(rls_syncml_wbxml_proto, xmltvb())
syncml_xml_dissector:call(xmltvb, pinfo, subtree)
where hexxml contains the XML in hex ("3C...") and syncml_xml_dissector is
local syncml_xml_dissector = Dissector.get("xml")