Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] problem of Lua support

From: Nicolas R <nicholas720@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:41:47 +0800
Thanks for your quick reply, Stig Bj?rlykke.
I put the code "dofile ("hello.lua")" at the last line in init.lua, but when run wireshark, it shows nothing.
I doubt that I inputed the wrong path "--with-lua=...". Beacause wireshark showed same support Lua inforamtion(with Lua5.1) when configure with "--with-lua==/usr/local/lib" and "--with-lua=="LUA-PATH/Lua5.1"". There are no more information about how to input the parameter "--with-lua==..." on the web.
I found more information in web page http://lua-users.org/wiki/AutoConfig. At top of the page, there is a line about "$ ./configure --with-lua=''lua_dir''", but I tried this, it doesn't work.
Try put this code in your personal init.lua:
dofile ("hello.lua")
Thanks, Stig Bj?rlykke
I follow your suggestion, but it still not works. But after run the
"./configure --with-lua=/usr/local ", the output informaiton shows "Support
Lua Script: Yes".
And then run make and make install commands. I found "with Lua5.1"
information in Help tag in the GUI. I write a file named
hello.lua(print("hello world").
I comment out line "disable_lua=true; do return end;" in file init.lua in
the path of "INSTALLED-PATH/wireshark-1.0.3/epan/wslua/init.lua".
It should display "hello world" in the terminal, but nothing happened.
I also followed the steps in web page "http://wiki.wireshark.org/Lua", but
it doesn't work. Need help!!!