Le lundi 31 aoᅵt 2009 ᅵ 12:15 +0530, Devlina a ᅵcrit :
> While trying to add an item in the proto tree using the command
> proto_tree_add_item(xyz_tree, hf_xyz_event_stream_id, tvb, offset + 2,
> -1, FALSE);
> I am getting the following error:
> [Dissector bug, protocol XYZ: proto.c:3009: failed assertion
> But strangely this is not the case with proto_tree_add_text (it is
> runing successfully). The field hf_xyz_event_stream is registerd with
> FT_DOUBLE. I have also tried it out with FT_UINT.
> what circumstances may cause this error ??
The -1 size, with add_item it's only valid for type proto, strings, byte
and none.