Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 29589: /trunk/ /trunk/: CMakeLists.t

From: Kovarththanan Rajaratnam <kovarththanan.rajaratnam@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:17:08 +0200
Hey Joerg,

Joerg Mayer wrote:
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 04:11:17PM +0000, krj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
 We require CMake >= 2.6 so we don't have to repeat the expressions in endif() + friends

Hey cool, finally someone else is starting to work on the CMake stuff :-)
Just a question: While we are not required to repeat the condition any more,
doesn't it still make sense wrt nested / long conditions to improve readablility?

I actually find the following confusing (also pointed out by the CMake FAQ [1]):


Having said that, I probably won't loose any sleep over this ;) Let me know if you think I should revert this change.

Btw, are you planning on working on more CMake stuff in the near future? I'm trying to get the basic stuff (capinfos, editcap, etc) compiling on Windows.

Best regards,
Kovarththanan Rajaratnam

[1] http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Isn.27t_the_.22Expression.22_in_the_.22ELSE_.28Expression.29.22_confusing.3F