On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:27 AM,
khushbu.thakkar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Do we have multiple language support with Wireshark.
We are using Windows Xp SP2 and Ubuntu Linux environment.
Actually we have a plugin which is UDP based and we have a
requirement to Analyse the Information in Packet List Pane and
Packet Details Pane to be viewed in other languages like French,
German, Italian etc ... So is it possible with Wireshark version -
No, it isn't.
Multi-lingual support for the menus etc. is probably implementable.
However, there are a *LOT* of dissectors, *ALL* of which would have to
have the text they put into the packet list pane and packet details
pane in order to support multiple languages in those panes - and
people keep contributing new dissectors and updates to existing
dissectors, and all text they add would also have to be translated in
order to keep the non-English versions of them up to date.
To quote the page to which Jaap referred:
"Which parts have to be translated to become useful? The most
important part is the dissector related output.
Don't underestimate the amount of text in the dissectors! There are
currently 600 dissectors (rising), each containing a lot of text.
Translating all of this might be just impossible in a reasonable
amount of time!
On the other hand, doing an incomplete translation is really ugly and
has to be avoided. The User's guide and the Wireshark GUI could be
translated, but would this be useful? This will be a lot of work and
most of the really interesting output will still be untranslated."
(Note the native language of the person I'm quoting is German; he also
said, on that page, "I'm german and thought about a german
translation, but dismissed the idea because of the reasons above.")