I've been doing some measurements on the improvements to the Export info functions:
61 Mb file 159047 Packets 118 844 Errors (UDP checksum).
WS 1.2.1 Trunk Old packet list Trunk New packet list
Load file: ~16s ~14s ~4s
Memory used: 232 812 kb 182 324 kb 131 716 kb
Expert info comp: 1.35s ~10s ~10s
Memory used: 299 028 241 336 kb 190 832 kb
Expert info: 1.44s ~12s ~12s
Memory used: 363 244 kb 291 528 kb 241 032kb
As you can see there is a significant reduction in the time required to load the expert data in trunk. Some of the gain is probably
Due to other changes but I still believe it would be worth it to port this even if it's new functionality or is the old behavior a bug? ;-)
There is no significant change in memmory usage in expert infos.